Guest Lecture “Data Analytics @Bosch”


In the scope of the Industrial Data Lab, Dr. Corinna Giebler (Bosch Digital) visited the lecture “Introduction to Data Science” at the University of Stuttgart on January 23rd, 2023 as a guest lecturer. The target group of this lecture are students of the first semester of the course “Data Science”. During the one hour event, the goal was to offer insights into Data Science and Data Analytics at Bosch. The first part was aimed at introducing Bosch as an enterprise.  While the name certainly was known to the students, the variety of business areas and large focus on IT surprised some of them.
After that, the talk dove deeper into the role of AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (internet of things) in our everyday work, as well as our data analytics landscape – from the development and role of the data lake to the different kinds of data analytics (descriptive to predictive) to the typical tasks that a data scientist is responsible for. 
This way, the students could gain an impression on how the contents of their studies would later on be relevant in practice. In the following QnA, topics went beyond data analytics. Instead, the students were interested in the daily responsibilities, challenges, and job descriptions that can be found in data analytics at Bosch. Overall, it was a great experience and we’re looking forward to be back in the lecture next year.